Can't people just accept that not everyone has the same view?
Hell, the truth is, NO ONE knows for sure what's real. I study any religion I can find (Catholic, Islamic, atheistic, animistic).
Because I want to learn! By taking each other people's perspectives into mind, maybe we can figure out what's real! One religion won't do it; there ARE contradictions, not to mention TONS of corruption.
Then there's science. Science proves and develops great things, but you must be willing to step outside the bounds of modern western science. It's not all about numbers and machines. You must think beyond the purely physical. You must live beyond what you can feel. If you're serious about ANYTHING in this world, you have to accept all points of view on the matter. Not to do so is just cowardly and ignorant.
If you believe so strongly on your principles and convictions, then don't take offense at others' beliefs or shut your ears to them. You're merely hiding.
You're afraid to admit, even to yourself, that you may be wrong, or even just unsure. Sometimes, people just hide behind religion to escape what they know to be the truth.
"Everyone has religion in the foxhole."
Ever heard that expression? It means that people in fear or in danger of death will turn to religion to feel like they're back in control.
Many religions speak of a life after death. Obviously someone about to die could embrace that! If for no other reason than to gain solace that everything is not about to end.
"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of the heartless world, just as it is the spirit of the spiritless."
--Karl Marx
He was stating (truthfully) that many don't turn to religion until times are bad. Sure, again, I can't speak for everyone. I'm just saying, make sure you have your eyes and your mind open.
Just because someone doesn't share your beliefs doesn't give you the right to trash them. I, for one, value the chance to hear things like this, to see all the fighting. It's both fascinating and disturbing all at the same time.
Islam, for a start. By far one of the most misunderstood religions in the world. "Jihad" does NOT mean "holy war." It translates literally to "struggle," and refers to the struggle within oneself to improve one's image in the eyes of Allah. Christianity and Islam are so similar that they are often referred to as sister religions. Neither condone violence. Sadly, the leaders of both parties have realized that the most effective way to unite their peoples would be to give them a common enemy - the "other" religion.
Their governments and respective media corporations accomplish this by showing us only the ugly side. For example, most of the nets show us the extreme, militant faction of the Muslims, which is a very tiny fragment of Muslims as a whole. So we assume all Muslims are hateful towards others of opposing religion, since that's all we're shown.
We don't want to see anything else, because we want someone to hate, someone to blame.
We want something to separate us from everything else and make our beliefs and principles to feel superior.
That's what happens with religion a LOT. Thinking your religion, your culture, your people are better than the other guy's...
Just know how to distinguish religion from spirituality. While spirituality is your beliefs, religion is just an establishmen, an institution, an organization. Religon's original intent of which is to bring together people of the same spiritual beliefs. Religion has come to try to control people, to force beliefs on them.
Don't fall into the trap. You should be free to form your own spiritual concept.
Now, I'm not trying to convert you to atheism or agnosticism. You can still follow a set faith without being held back by a rigid, narrow-minded system. You can be Christian without going to church. You can still be a good Muslim without having to take up arms against infidels. Hell, you can still be a good atheist as long as you give a damn!
Find the truth for yourself. I personally am a very confused agnostic theist ( I believe there is some sort of higher power, but I'm not about to assume I know what exactly it is).
I hope to find that out, and in pursuit of that I am studying everything I can get my hands on,experiencing everything the world has to offer as much as I possibly can, so I may find the answer somewhere, or at the least so that I can die saying I tried my best.
My purpose is not to convert anybody, merely to put my two cents into the hailstorm of religious debate.

*nope i havent seen the movie yet >.<